MAGIX VEGAS Movie Studio Pro 2024 V23.0.1.192 Download Free Trial Version

MAGIX VEGAS Movie Studio Pro 2024 V23.0.1.192 Download Free Trial Version


Magix Vegas Movie Studio Pro Full version of Windows for FREE. Quick, intuitive cutting and editing tools, highly adapted user interface, creative image effects, filters and transitions along with a variety of coding and delivery options turn your computer into a powerful filmmaking machine.

What is new version features:

    • Color Classification window: Several with The color -related image event FX (including color wheels, color curves, HSL and many more) is combined with a special screen area easily displayed or hidden with a toolbar button. To save a lot of clicks, it can remain open to apply the desired color classification for different events, instead of opening the FX circuit of each event and loading the FX color separately.
    • Improved functionality of the storyline: you can add the same media to one storyline, and the miniature reflects the media used in the time zone.
    • Improved video FX, transitions and media generator Windows: Effects can be filtered by categories and provider; You can look for the effect name and Mark Favorites to find your favorite effect quickly.
    • Black Bar filling plugin: Complete the black bands created by inserting a vertical video or images into your movie with a blurred copy of Blurred. The image.
    • Outline Flow Transition/Smart Division: Outline flow transition automatically corrects jumps by synthesizing movement. The Smart Split team cut off the event and applies the warp flow transition to hide the cut.
    • The lens correction plugin compensates for distortion from broad -by -lens lens systems used in action cameras.
    • Adjustment of color temperature enlargement to the white balance plugin.
    • Audio synchronization of Multicam: Synchronize multimedia footage by analyzing and alignment of the soundtrack. Entries.

New formats:

    • Experimental MKV support.
    • 10-bit intermediate format
    • NVVC 10-bit HEVC Publishing
    • Decoding AVC and HEVC


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